1. File and Directory Management:
ls ----List files and folders.
\= eg: lscd ----Change directory (folder).
\= eg: cd birenpwd ----Show current directory.
\=eg: pwdmkdir ----Create a new folder.
\=eg: mkdir birenrm ----Delete files or folders.
\=eg: rm birenrmdir ----Delete an empty folder.
\=eg: rmdir birencp ----Copy files or folders.
\=eg: cp biren /home/birendramv ----Move or rename files or folders.
\=eg: mv biren birendratouch ----Create an empty file.
\=eg: touch biren.txtcat ----View the content of a file.
\=eg: biren.txt
- System Information
whoami ----Show current username.
uname -a ----Display system information.
uptime ----Check how long the system has been on.
df -h ----Show disk space usage.
free -h ----Show memory (RAM) usage.
date ----Show current date and time.
top ----Display running processes.
clear ----Clear the terminal screen.
- File Permissions
chmod ----Change file permissions.
\=eg: chmod 755 biren.txtchown ----Change file owner.
\=eg: chown user biren.txt
- Searching and Viewing
find ----Search for files and folders.
\=eg: find . -name biren.txtgrep ----Search text in files.
\=eg: grep "error" biren.txtless ----View large files page-by-page.
\=eg: less biren.txthead ----Show the first lines of a file.
\=eg: head biren.txttail ----Show the last lines of a file.
\=eg: tail biren.txt
- Networking
ping ----Check connectivity to a website.
\=eg: ping biren.hashnode.devifconfig ----Show network information.
wget ----Download a file from the internet.
\=eg: wget http://biren.comcurl ----Fetch or send data to a server.
\=eg: curl http://biren.hashnode.dev
- Process Management
ps ----Show running processes.
\=eg: ps auxkill ----Stop a process.
\=eg: kill 9999top ----Monitor processes in real-time.
- Others
history ----Show command history.
man ----Display manual for a command.
\=eg: man lsexit ----Exit the terminal.