How to install node-exporter on linux and how to connect with prometheus .šÆ
Node Exporter is a lightweight tool that exposes system-level metrics (CPU, memory, disk, network) for Prometheus monitoring. It collects hardware and OS stats, runs with minimal resources, and integrates seamlessly with Prometheus and Grafana. Metrics are available at /metrics
on port 9100, making it ideal for monitoring server performance and health in production environments.
ā”Create a directory .
command: mkdir node-exporter
ā”Go to that directory.
command: cd node-exporter
ā”Download node-exporter zip-file
command: wget
ā”Unzip node-exporter file.
command: tar xvfz node_exporter-1.7.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
ā”Go to that directory.
command: cd node_exporter-1.7.0.linux-amd64
ā”Run the command.
command: ./node_exporter
ā”Go the browser and run.
URL https://server_ip:9100
ā”we need to create text-file inside prometheus/prometheus- 2.35.0.linux-amd64/exporter-config.yml .
- To connect with pormetheus
command: vim exporter-config.yml
- script
scrape_interval: 15s
- job_name: node
- targets: ['localhost:9100']
save and exit command :wq
command: ./prometheus --config.file=exporter-config.yml
Setting up Node Exporter involves downloading, extracting, and running the Node Exporter binary to expose system-level metrics. To integrate it with Prometheus, you need to create a configuration file specifying Node Exporter's endpoint (localhost:9100
). Once configured, Prometheus can scrape metrics from Node Exporter, allowing you to monitor hardware and operating system performance through Prometheus' web interface. This setup ensures seamless system monitoring and enhances visibility into server health.
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