๐Ÿ“‰SSL issue (site-down)โŽ

๐Ÿ“‰SSL issue (site-down)โŽ

Event description:

  • firstly, Tried managing on cloudflare SSL/TLS configuration, but it did not work.

  • Then, we follow the let'sencrypt process from the server.

  • Navigated to the Let's Encrypt Directory.

  • Backed Up Existing Certificates.

  • Created a New Certificate Directory.

  • Checked and Edited Certificate Files.

  • Installed Certbot.

  • Requested New Certificates.

  • Verified Domain Accessibility.

  • And worked fine.

Corrective Actions:

  • Directory Navigation: cd /etc/letsencrypt/

  • Navigated to the live directory containing active certificates: cd live

  • Rename the existing directory for backup purposes: mv tvtoday.com.np tvtoday.com.np.old

  • Create a new directory for the domain: mkdir tvtoday.com.np

  • Open the certificate and private key files for editing: nano fullchain.pem and nano privkey.pem

  • Set permissions on the private key file for security: chmod 600 privkey.pem

  • Install Certbot, a tool for obtaining SSL certificates: apt install certbot -y

  • Command to manually obtain a certificate using DNS challenges: certbot certonly --manual -- preferred-challenges=dns -d tvtoday.com.np -d '*.tvtoday.com.np'

  • Checking Server Status: curl -I http://tvtoday.com.np and

    curl -I https://tvtoday.com.np
